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Chai Gingerbread Shake

December is well on its way and you’ve probably already noticed the plethora of candy cane flavored this and spiced eggnog that. None of which have many health benefits to go along with their sweetness. We took it upon ourselves to find a treat fit for the season, but just as fit for your digestion (chances are you’ll be making it more and more as the month progresses).

Here’s our take on the tasty Chai Gingerbread Shake we discovered on goop.

1 c warm organic cinnamon rooibos chai
½ tsp allspice
1 tbs freshly grated ginger
1 banana
½ c almond milk
2 tbs almond butter
1 tbs raw organic honey

Steep tea for about 5-7 minutes, and then blend it with the rest of the ingredients until smooth.

The post Chai Gingerbread Shake appeared first on Dose Juice.

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